Bakura sat on the roof of one of the houses, eating a loaf of bread he just stole. He looked at the town below him, watching people come and go. Suddenly, something caught his eye. It was a girl with (hair colour) hair and (eye colour). He looked at her with interest. He had been in town several times ... he knew everyone's faces, but he had never seen her before. She was wearing rags and she used a scarf to cover some of her face
She must be a tourist He thought, leaning forward slightly
He climbed down and began to follow her, staying in the shadows
What am I doing?! I don't know this girl ... but ... I am intrigued by her ... He thought, studying her movements carefully
He watched her as she looked in wonder at everything she set eyes on. It was like she had never been outside. He sighed and approached her
"Oh!" She said, surprised
Suddenly, he found himself unable to speak. He really did hate human interaction ...
Oh, why did I bother? I hate talking to people ... it's not too late, I can just insult her and go ... but that would be running away. I have no intention of being cowardly He thought, frowning
"Why are you walking around like you've never been outside in your life?" He asked
He could tell he had caught her off guard. She was stuttering ... and fidgeting. She was clearly nervous
"What's your name anyway?" He asked
"I-it's (Name) ..." She mumbled, looking at the floor
She was blushing as well, which he found odd. He had never seen that kind of thing before
"Wh-what's yours?" She asked
"Everyone just calls me Bakura" He said
"Why's that?" She asked
He just shrugged and she smiled. He flinched. No one had ever smiled at him before
"Is something wrong?" She asked
"No, why would there be?" He growled
"I-I was just asking" She mumbled "I was wondering if you could show me around"
"Sure ..." He mumbled
After showing (Name) around town, Bakura sighed
"You sigh a lot" she said
"I'm not used to being around people ... no one's ever been with me for this long without me getting mad" He said
"What happens when you get mad?" She asked
"People get hurt ..." He said
She looked up at the sky
"It's going to get dark soon ..." She said
"Before you go, there's something I want to show you" He said
He took her to his home and showed her the spectacular view of the town
"Oh! This view is amazing! It's perfect at sunset!" She said
"Yeah ..."
"How did you find this place?" She asked
"I live here. I'm ... I'm homeless" He replied
She gasped
"Oh no ... I ... I didn't realise! I'm sorry!" She breathed
"Don't be ... I ... I prefer it here. I'm away from all the crowds ..." He said
His stomach growled and he blushed out of embarrassment
"But I have to steal for sustenance" He said
"And I thought I had problems ..." She mumbled
"Like what?"
"Father is forcing me to get married" She said
"Tough break" He said, sighing
"Thing is ... I want to get married to someone I love" She said, looking at him
Bakura noticed this and returned her gaze. He did find her very intriguing. She moved closer and leaned against him
"You know, I've enjoyed spending time with you" She said, sighing longingly
Why? Everyone knows I'm the most unsociable man in town ... not to mention a thief He thought, confused
"You're the only boy I've really felt a connection with ..." She said
"I should get going ... but, before I go, I think I should show you some positive human contact" She said, smiling
He stared at her confused. She leaned forward and their lips were about to touch when palace guards appeared. The couple looked at the guards, equally surprised
"Ah! We found where you've been hiding!" a guard said
He frowned as they shoved (Name) aside and grabbed hold of Bakura
"Unhand me!" He shouted
"Let him go!" (Name) cried
"I'm sorry, miss but this guy has a crime list as long as my arm!" one of the guards said
She took off the scarf and the guards gasped
"Princess (Name)?! What are you doing here? And why are you with this ... scoundrel?" the guard asked
Bakura looked genuinely shocked
"That's none of your business! Release him!" She demanded
"I-I can't, our orders come from Kaiba. You'll have to talk to him!" The guard said
"Oh, believe me, I will" She hissed as the guards took Bakura away