We have found the area to be 162 square centimetres
and the length to be 27 centimetres.
Using these two values, we can find
the breadth of the rectangle
by dividing 162 by 27.
This gives us 6 centimetres.
With the length and the breadth, we can find
the perimeter of the rectangle.
The perimeter is equal to
27 plus 6 plus 27 plus 6
which works out to 66 centimetres.
Then, we find the difference between the perimeter of the rectangle and its breadth
by taking 66 minus 6.
This is equal to 60 centimetres
which is the same as the value given in the problem.
Hence, our answer is correct.
Let’s try another word problem together.
The problem is going to be slightly more challenging.
Let’s have a look.