I'm getting that creates a relationship between brother and sister. Get to know the new society. Make new friends And seniors will be activities and games for children have fun as catching Tech Boom Marine Base unity Freshy Night and baisrisukwan. Each faculty and student orientation to be different. May have taken jewelry to wear or carry it wherever they stay. And the need for the signature of seniors and sophomores will be teased us before signature. We have to practice patience with things that were not right. Perhaps you could have some fun and not fun. And it has to buy sweets Tech and wrote for Tech and Tech was to buy sweets. Sophomores will teach what we know, and we made love and unity in the Council and in the field. Although we come from different places. It has a happy smile fun time activities. And capturing Tech or Tech would have senior students each base bullies. And senior friendly faking it Makes me happy and laughing with friends. And there are times when seniors have made that makes me feel bad. I was punished a friend Time was older that I was not happy. Sometimes I almost cried.