In Fig. 3b, the effect of milk type is shown for the inactivation of
spores. The highest voltage (40 kV cm1) in the PEF system was
used and the number of pulses was 276 (2.5 ms each) with an outlet
temperature held at 65 C. Treatment at 30 kV cm1 was insufficient
to inactivate spores; even in skim milk, sporulation was
observed with a small number of pulses. After the treatment was
completed, only 1 log reduction was achieved at this electric
strength. However, treatment at 40 kV cm1 plus 65 C was overall
more effective in spore inactivation (p < 0.05), as indicated in the
same figure; after 276 pulses, almost 2.5 log reductions were achieved
in skim milk. This result also shows the effect of the intensity
of the electric field, in which the final inactivation is significantly
different (a of 0.05) for this treatment. In skim milk, spores appear
to be less protected and more susceptible to inactivation by PEF.
In Fig. 3b, the effect of milk type is shown for the inactivation ofspores. The highest voltage (40 kV cm1) in the PEF system wasused and the number of pulses was 276 (2.5 ms each) with an outlettemperature held at 65 C. Treatment at 30 kV cm1 was insufficientto inactivate spores; even in skim milk, sporulation wasobserved with a small number of pulses. After the treatment wascompleted, only 1 log reduction was achieved at this electricstrength. However, treatment at 40 kV cm1 plus 65 C was overallmore effective in spore inactivation (p < 0.05), as indicated in thesame figure; after 276 pulses, almost 2.5 log reductions were achievedin skim milk. This result also shows the effect of the intensityof the electric field, in which the final inactivation is significantlydifferent (a of 0.05) for this treatment. In skim milk, spores appearto be less protected and more susceptible to inactivation by PEF.
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