As expected, the customers’ perceptions of the interactions with the service providers in the winter park were found to be positively related to the customers’ feelings of joy (b ¼ 0:18; p ¼ 0:025), thereby supporting H2. Further, the customers’ perceptions of the designs in the winter park were also discovered to be positively related to the customers’ feelings of joy (b ¼ 0:40; p ¼ 0:084), thereby supporting H3. H1 was not supported in that the relationship between the customers’ perceptions of the ambience in the winter park and the customers’ feelings of joy were not statistically significant (b ¼ 0:15; p ¼ 0:29). Finally, it was found that the customers’ feelings of joy were positively associated with customer loyalty (b ¼ 0:68; p ¼ 0:001), thereby supporting H4.