Enhance assessment value
Accommodate and empower those with alternative learning styles
Evoke higher level thinking, analysis, or problem solving
Add an option to "True" "False" possibility, as "Opinion"
Ask for an elaboration on the answer, as
"True" "False"
If so, Why?
Ask for a correction to false statements
Test instructions:
Before the test, give clear, proactive instructions
on what content is covered,
level of detail, and what type of questions will be asked:
Encourage comprehension: cause and effect, if/then, sequences,
Avoid memorization
Detail exactly what must be exactly memorized:
dates, locations, proper names, sequences
Be consistent in test administration over time
Have students indicate their answers by circling
complete words of "true" "false" (not "t" "f")
Do not have students write their response of t/f or true/false to (avoids distinguishing/problems of hand writing and sloppiness)
Avoid plus or minus signs "+" of "-"
Indicate how the test is scored:
total right, or total right minus wrong?
How to develop a true/false test:
1. Write out essential content statements
2. Convert half to false, though not negative, statements
3. Make true and false statements equal in length
4. Group questions by content
5. Build up to difficulty
(encourage with simpler questions first)