A Thai boy overweight. He has fartigue and tired With fever Four days before the hospital.
four days before his hospitalization. Low fever Duties include abdominal pain right The patient went to the hospital near their home. The pain medication orally. Cause abdominal pain, lower
third. Hospital days before the onset of high fever again. A body aches. Cough, sore throat And a little sputum Patients taking medicine to reduce fever but the fever did not decrease over time. Reached a fever all the time. Urinary symptoms are Crimson And dry cough without phlegm
, and doctors suspect a patient. Dengue is a disease Tunique test result is negative, the test is ordered to investigate Lab CBC ESR E 'lite and Urine Analysis Stool examination and the results of laboratory tests. Keeping in mind that the patient is asymptomatic Mwlioidosis. Medical treatment is provided by
5% On NSS 500 ml. 20 CC / HR.
Meropenem 1 GMS. Q 8 HR vein.