A review of electrical services on board can reveal the potential for unexpected efficiency gains. However care should be taken to avoid the creation of new safety hazards when turning off electrical services (e.g., lighting). Onboard management of the power load can result in significant fuel oil savings (i.e. only run the generators needed for safe operations).
Some of the Best Practices are to be adopted by the vessel where possible :
1. Minimize use of unnecessary machinery – e.g. deck hydraulic, fire pumps, engine room fan etc.;
2. Deck department to communicate better with engine room on ballast and cargo pump usage avoid rolling pumps unnecessarily for long periods;
3. Ships to have a meeting to discuss the impacts of running various pieces of machinery and efficient use;
4. Maximize D/G load when possible to run on one generator when safe to do so;
5. Switch off lights in unused spaces in accommodation;
6. Try to minimize use of washing machine and drier with only one or two items; and
7. Ships to have discussion on judicious use of pump room fans, bosun store fans etc.
8. Routine maintenance to check for thermal insulation of engine room pipings laggings.