By the way, what’s your profession?
Weed slyly planted some expectations in her.
What kind of era is the current era? Most families were usually dual income. It was a world where a family could not survive with one source of income! The truth was Weed, alone, could send his sister to university, and was earning enough to support their current lifestyle. He showed his frugal mind through making whatever he needed, and sold all of his items. In addition to the ad revenue he collected through quests and the Hall of Fame, the revenue from the gold made him rather rich.
However, if they became a dual income family, they could look forward even more money than they had.
‘I’d be glad if it wasn’t a weird profession like mine.’
His little sister answered.
-My profession! I got it from this chain quest that I obtained through a very unusual association. Can you believe that I got it through a quest the owner of the restaurant gave me after I finished washing the dishes?
I see.
Suddenly, the quest the Instructor gave him came to mind. The chain quest he obtained while he was eating the Instructor’s lunchbox.
That’s how I obtained the profession of ‘Aqualight Painter.’
Weed’s face turned grave.
Aqualight Painter?
Yeah. It’s a Hidden Profession.
Weed felt as though the world had collapsed.
‘It seems like our fate won’t allow us to obtain a normal profession!’
Aqualight Painter.
Just hearing the name made the jobs that could earn a fortune unobtainable.
At least with an adventurer related profession, like Grave Robber, one could obtain some items and earn some money. However, without fail, both siblings ended up with an art related profession. And, in the case of the younger sister, the title of “Legendary” was not even applied.
‘I can earn money on my own. It wasn’t like I had big expectations from the beginning. If it’s a job that she can have fun with, it’s okay.’
However, the art related professions was atypical, so his little sister could have sufficiently enjoyable travels.
More than that, I hate the cold, so I guess it would be too much for me to go there?
It will most likely be hard. If your Stamina is low, then you will immediately freeze to death.
I see.
However, don’t be disappointed. I’ll introduce you to some people who can help you.
Who are they?
The Geomchis. If it’s those people, they can probably help you a lot. The Geomchis are currently wandering around the continent, undergoing undisciplined training. If you contact them, they’ll put all other things aside and come running to help.
Those guys can probably give you some fitting basic beginner equipment. I will settle the debt afterwards, so don’t worry and get what you want.
Yeah, I got it. But big brother, didn’t you say that you had friends that you often went hunting with?
Are you talking about Pale-nim, Irene-nim, and Surka?
Yeah, introduce those people to me too.
Of course I’ll introduce you. I’ll tell them to contact you later. Although, as things are, they can’t meet you since they’re far away.
The distance doesn’t matter... Anyway, I got it. Then, I guess I should go out of the castle. I’ll whisper you later.
Alright, be careful of the rabbits.
Yeah, don’t worry about me and take care of yourself.
After Weed finished talking to his younger sister, he brought some firewood to feed the campfire with, while trying to be careful so that even his footsteps did not make any noise. Even while he was cooking some food, he spent extra time to make sure that he did not make any noise. Only when he was sculpting could a small sound be heard.
In this way, while, two weeks past and Alveron’s body recovered.
“Weed-nim, I am ashamed.”
“Don’t worry, it’s okay.”
“Since my Stamina has recovered somewhat, I think I can exert some divine power.”
“Oh, that’s a relief.”
Weed nodded his head.
If one had private access to healing magic, it was much easier to get rid of diseases.
“O goddess Freya, please cleanse away the pain and distress of these who follow you and depend on you. Cure Disease.”
Alveron first used a disease cure magic on Weed.
Due to holy power, the physical resistance ability toward sicknesses increases.Most sicknesses can be healed.
The cold is healed.
Physical resistance returns to normal.
Resistance against colds permanently rises by 2%
Resistance against ice magic permanently rises by 0.2%.
Along with being healed from the cold, Weed gained a bit of permanent resistance against it.
Alveron used the same disease cure magic on Seoyoon and himself.
Since they had the cold more severely than Weed, it didn’t cure them completely.
But after eating food that was good for health and resting for a day, they could move around again.
“It was the worst cold ever.”
Weed moved the boulder that was blocking the cave entrance.
Now, it was time to make the monsters of the Valley of Death taste bitterness.