The second day of the trip, we wake up early in the morning, pack out of the hotel. Visit the palace and the temple of the Emerald Buddha to wait inside the door open 8 o'clock while waiting for my friends will take play, talk to each other.In full of beautiful, clean, guide described about the temple of the Emerald Buddha thoroughly. I feel proud to be born Thai and culture is such a beautiful place.Because usually do not allow outsiders into the palace and in by it. Is a very good opportunity to see for themselves.Have knowledge and experience very much. After that, we went to the hospital to collect data. To study of the Faculty of medicine. Structural bone parts of human.When we travel to the cold.Sattahip, Rayong, heading to the island samaesan and stay at the barracks jesda Bodin, accommodation, you better. Clean. I'm so tired that day. So to sleep early.