Hypothesis 1a: The relationship between impressionrelevant involvement and purchase behavior in the
domain of mobile technology is stronger for millennials
with a high level of status consumption than for millennials with a low level of status consumption.
Hypothesis 1b: The relationship between outcome-relevant involvement and purchase behavior in the domain
of mobile technology is stronger for millennials with a
high level of status consumption than for millennials
with a low level of status consumption.
Hypothesis 2a: The relationship between impressionrelevant involvement and usage behavior in the domain
of mobile technology is stronger for millennials with a
high level of status consumption than for millennials
with a low level of status consumption.
Hypothesis 2b: The relationship between outcomerelevant involvement and usage behavior in the domain
of mobile technology is stronger for millennials with a
high level of status consumption than for millennials
with a low level of status consumption.