Thank you for making my life so much more meaningful and giving me this chance to show you what love means to me. My love , i know fully well that i may not give you 100% everything you needed in this relationship but with love, I can always do my best to make you happy secured. Distance and miles have kept us apart for so long but now it is hard to believe that we have found each other through God's divine connection. Now we must make time disappear and miles grow shorter. Our love started when we never expected it and it will forever be to the end of time. My love,it's our turn to make each other happy. We have grown older and matured rapidly; let's spend the rest of our lives together. Through trials and tribulations my love will be true, and know that I am here when you say the word. I understand that there are many things to be worked out, many things to change; I just don't want to waste any valuable time any more.