We apply atmospheric pressure plasma jets (APPJs) for the rapid sintering of nanoporous SnO
. The in
uence of the APPJ sintering duration
on the properties of nanoporous SnO
is investigated. With an increase in the APPJ sintering time, slope of optical absorption edge decreases and
then increases, optical bandgap decreases and then increases, the electrical conductivity increases and then decreases, and activation energy of
electrical conductivity decreases and then increases. A proper APPJ-sintering time is recommended for optimal performance of sintered SnO
prolonged APPJ-sintering may deteriorate the material performance. This sequential screen-printing and APPJ sintering process is scalable and
can potentially be used for a roll-to-roll process, in which screen-printing is extensively used for the second and follow-up layers owing to the
alignment requirements. APPJ sintered nanoporous SnO
with high surface-to-volume ratio is a potential candidate material for gas sensors or
catalysts, in which large surface reactive sites are demanded.