The three studies assessing the effect of a single-session intervention on immunisation status could not be pooled due to high heterogeneity.
The overall result is uncertain because the individual study results ranged from no evidence of effect to a significant increase
in immunisation.
Two studies assessed the effect of a multi-session intervention on immunisation status. These studies were also not pooled due to
heterogeneity and the result was very uncertain, ranging from a non-significant decrease in immunisation to no evidence of effect.
The two studies assessing the effect of a face to face intervention on knowledge or understanding of vaccination were very uncertain
and were not pooled as data from one study were skewed. However, neither study showed evidence of an effect on knowledge scores in
the intervention group. Only one study measured the cost of a case management intervention. The estimated additional cost per fully
immunised child for the intervention was approximately eight times higher than usual care.
The review also considered the following secondary outcomes: intention to vaccinate child, parent experience of intervention, and
adverse effects. No adverse effects related to the intervention were measured by any of the included studies, and there were no data on
the other outcomes of interest.