While there is clear evidence on the beneficial effects of salts in live-fish transport, there were considerable variations in the recommended amounts of salt used for different species. Johnson (1979) recommended a low concentration of 2%salt as a guideline
for live-fish transport, while Carneiro & Urbinati (2001) found that 6%salt was most effective for minimizing the physiological response of matrinxa Bry-con cephalus (Gˇnther), to transport stress. Weirich & Tomasso (1991) recommended that red drum juvenile should be transported in water that is nearly isosmotic to plasma (11%). Similarly, a concentration of 10% salt was found to be effective for hauling and transport of striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum) (Powel
l 1970; Maz i k, Si mco & Parker 1991; Harrel l 1992).