ANA joined five other health care groups representing millions of health care professionals in filing an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) “minimum coverage provision.” RNs are frontline witnesses of the harmful health effects on individuals who are uninsured and defer needed care, and have a unique perspective to guide the court regarding the consequences of removing the provision.
Nurses Week theme: Nurses: Advocating, Leading, Caring.
The Constituent Assembly passed a motion in November 2011, which the ANA Board subsequently supported, requesting that the staff put a plan together based on three issues: cooperation and synergy, member growth, and further discussions of business arrangements. The Board envisioned a robust ANA with great relevance to nurses’ needs and wants, and holding the top spot among national professional association in health care. The transformation is called ANA’s race for relevance.