This is to inform you to aware on the proper process of urgent close stores especially for stores who paid rent as % of sales ka.
• In any case of closing or early close (before the normal operating hour), it is needed to inform at least one day in advance (especially on Lotus) to get approval from Department Head Quarter.
• As per legal contact, landlord has the right to ask for penalty from us if we close store without prior notice and approval from their headquarter ka.
• If there is any emergency case which impact to Brand image, Food safety, Safety or etc, please inform BD so they can help communicate to Department and get urgent approval.
• For ongoing practice, if your stores have any issue impacted from Mall, as below example; Lotus Bangpakok, there are a lot of Fries (as RC informed it is more than 100 Fries) which happened for the whole Mall, please keep BD updated. Therefore if there is any urgent case which require immediate closure so this can be used as reference document with landlord ka.