The design philosophy :
Multiple and individual intelligence.
Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence theory has fascinated many practitioners and requires no introduction here. We believe that in order to come to a conclusion through contemplation and hence develop alternatives whereby appropriate decisions can be made, one has to be able to conduct lateral thinking in addition to logical linear reasoning. Able to think laterally is the result of optimal development of multiple intelligence.
Two literacies, three languages
The world is fast becoming a global village. With increasing inter-nation, inter-racial, inter-culture activities the need for bi-, tri-, even multi-lingual personnel is inevitable, and the monoligual world is fast disappearing. The Government has aptly tabled a policy of ‘Two literacies, three languages’. The Preschool endeavours to develop our children to be proficient in the two literacies of Chinese and English, and be fluent in the three spoken languages of Cantonese, Putonghua, and English. The Preschool employs English phonics through stories to prepare children for the active learning of English, taking away their fear of an almost unknown language and giving them the satisfaction of succeeding in recognizing a foreign language. Combining with the aforesaid teaching through thematic story-telling the effect of such an approach speaks for itself at our sister school, and has won recognition from both parents and language teaching experts.