Cookie, Fur Seal, Rideword & Waste Stove Card, also known as Monk Card Set
Cookie Card Accessory LUK + 2. Increases the damage inflicted with Holy Light by 10%.
Rideword Card Headgear INT + 1. If used by an Acolyte job type: INT + 1 and MDEF + 1
Seal Card Weapon FLEE + 3. HIT + 10. If equipped by an Acolyte job type: Increases the user's critical attack rate on Demon and Undead race targets by 9%.
Waste Stove Card Armor INT + 1. ATK + 5
Set Bonus STR+ 3. ATK + 25. Max SP + 80. Increases the damage inflicted with Guillotine Fist by 10%. Adds a 1% chance of using Signum Crusis Lv 5 when doing a physical attack. If used by a Monk job type: Reduces the SP cost of skills by 10% and prevents skill casts from being in