Preparation : Clean and gut the fish and cut in half . Trim lemongrass, cutting away loose outer leaves and root end. Cut at an angle into 2 1/2 inch pieces. Set aside. Dry roast the chili peppers in a dry wok or shallow heavy skillet, stirring frequently until just slightly charred. Remove from the heat, allow to cool. Pulverize half in a mortar and pestle or electric coffee grinder. Cut the remaining whole chili peppers into bite-sized pieces and set aside. Heat cooking oil in a skillet or wok until hot, place the fish into the hot oil and sear for 1-2 minutes on each side. Remove from the pan and set aside. Bring water to boil in medium-sized pan. Bruise the lemongrass and galangal slices with the side of a cleaver. Add to the boiling water along with the torn kaffir lime leaves. Add sea salt and tamarind pulp. Reduce heat and simmer the stock for 5-6 minutes. Sprinkle ground red chili peppers on both sides of the partially cooked fish pieces. Add the fish to the stock and return to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Adjust taste by adding fish sauce and lime juice if desired. Add chili pepper pieces and simmer further if necessary until the fish is cooked through. Turn off the heat and serve in a bowl, garnish with cilantro leaves.
Cilantro to garnish