Please note: This communication can also be found in Seller Central under the “Performance” menu, in “Performance Notifications”.
Dear Seller,
We are contacting you today regarding your seller account. Please be advised that we have made some structural changes to our EU Marketplace. As before, Amazon Services Europe S.à r.l. operates the Marketplace platform and provides the Selling on Amazon service. However, from now on, Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A. will provide the new payment component of the service.
In this regard, EU regulations require Amazon Payments Europe to collect certain business and personal information from you and take steps to confirm your identity. To fulfil those requirements, we need your support to make some changes to your existing seller account with Amazon Services Europe:
In addition to your current seller account you now need to open a Selling on Amazon payment account with Amazon Payments Europe. The proceeds of your transactions on Amazon EU Marketplaces will be disbursed from this account to your bank account. The Business Solutions Agreement has been amended to reflect this change, and you will need to agree separately to the Amazon Payments Europe User Agreement. Because these are new agreements and formats, we ask that you accept the new and amended agreements and provide the requested information in Seller Central.
*** It is essential that you accept the new agreements and provide the requested information within the next 60 calendar days in order to continue to sell on Amazon. If you do not provide the required information within 60 days, you will not be able to open your Selling on Amazon payment account and you will not be able to continue to sell on Amazon. ***
A self-service feature is available in Seller Central to guide you through the process of providing the information Amazon Payments Europe needs. To begin the process, please log in to Seller Central using the email address and password associated with your existing seller account. Follow the instructions displayed in the notification box on the home page or on the Account Settings page in Seller Central to continue.
Additional information can be found on our help page titled: “Required Information to Sell on Amazon”. If you need further assistance, please contact Seller Support. We are happy to provide any support you need to start registering for your Selling on Amazon payment account so that you can continue to sell on Amazon without interruption.
Kind regards,
Amazon Services Europe
Please note: This email was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this email.
Amazon Services Europe S.à r.l.
5 Rue Plaetis
L-2338 Luxembourg
Registered in Luxembourg No. B-93815
Business License Number: 100416
Luxembourg VAT Reg. No. LU 19647148