Then electrolyte is electrolyzed into H2 and O2 in
electrolyser(JQJG11 AG001). H2 and O2 will enter into H2(O2) synthesis
tower(JQJG11 AC001)、(JQJG11 AC002) with electrolyte and be separated and
scrubber from electrolyte. The separated electrolyte and raw water will be into a
inside circulating of H2(O2) synthesis tower(JQJG11 AC001) 、(JQJG11
AC002)→alkaline circulating pump(JQJG11 AP001)→alkaline filter(JQJG11
AT001)→electrolyser(JQJG11 AG001)→H2(O2) synthesis tower(JQJG11 AC001)、
(JQJG11 AC002). The O2 will be cooled and despumated in O2 synthesis
tower(JQJG11 AC002) then enters into O2/water separator(JQJG11 AC005) for