How are you doing today?. i read your email with wild imagination thank you for making time to write to me again i feel very great you write to you i appreciate it and the pleasure is mine reading your mail to me you welcome indeed. Darling hope you are in good health you know i cant forget to ask about your health and family including people around you over there hope all is well with you all if so may the name of Almighty God be praised.
You are so great to me what can i do without you now on you brought sunshine to my life with good luck that is so wonderful in my life each time i remember you i feel like been with you all the time ever since i met you i can say i see joy and happiness again in my life please do not stop in getting touch with me ok i love to read your email all the time. i made up my mind that no matter how busy i can be i will not delay to reply your mail to you for it is the way we can communicate in other to build up our relationship with every understanding and that will help us to over come the distance as a barrier.
Ever since i told my mother about you she never stop asking me about you she is most interested in getting to meet you in person one day well she is a kind woman with simple heart and understanding mostly she is interested in whatever thing that can make her son happy she said i should tell you, you are welcome to her home. I wonder the day we meet how it is going to be to me for i so long waited for it to come up,Darling please let me stop here for now till i hear from you again. I love you eternity that my promise to you and nothing can stop it as long as am concern my heart will always be with you and you alone. Please do take care of your self for me till we see each other then i can take care of you my self forever more Love you so much. Let us keep in touch ok for distance is not a barrier. bye for now