The Zero Balance is defined as the load cell output in a "no-load" situation. Therefore, all weight (including deadload) has to be removed from the load cell. Low capacity load cells should be measured in the position in which the load cell is designed to measure force to prevent the weight of the element giving wrong results.
The load cell should be connected to a stable power supply, preferably a load cell indicator with an excitation voltage of at least 10 volts. Disconnect any other load cell for multiple load cell systems.
Measure the voltage across the load cell's output leads with a millivoltmeter and divide this value by the input or excitation voltage to obtain the Zero Balance in mV/V. Compare the Zero balance to the original load cell calibration certificate ( if available ) or to the data sheet.
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Changes in Zero Balance usually occur if the load cell has been permanently deformed by overloading and/or excessive shocks. Load cells that experience progressive zero output changes per time period are most likely undergoing a change in the strain gauge resistance because of chemical or moisture intrusion. However, in this case the insulation resistance and/or the bridge integrity will also be compromised.
The insulation resistance is measured between the load cell circuit and element or cable shield. Disconnect the load cell from the junction box or indicator and connect all input, output and sense (if applicable) leads together.
Measure the insulation resistance with a megohmmeter* between these four or six connected leads and the load cell body. Repeat the measurement between the same 4 or 6 leads and the cable shield. Finally measure the insulation resistance between the load cell body and cable shield.
*Never use a Megohmmeter to measure the input or output resistance, as it normally operates at a voltage which exceeds the maximum excitation voltage by far!
* If shield is connected to load cell body please skip housing / screen insulation test.
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The insulation resistance of all load cells should be 5000 megohms or more for bridge circuit to housing, bridge circuit to cable screen and load cell body to cable screen.
A lower value indicates electrical leakage, which is usually caused by moisture or chemical contaminations within the load cell or cable. Extremely low values (< 1kΩ ) indicate a short circuit rather than moisture ingress.
Electrical leakage results usually in unstable load cell or scale reading output. The stability might vary with temperature.
The bridge integrity is verified by measuring the input and output resistance as well as the bridge balance. Disconnect the load cell from the junction box or measuring device.
The input and output resistance is measured with an ohmmeter across each pair of input and output leads. Compare the input and output resistance to the original calibration certificate ( if available ) or to the data sheet specifications.
The bridge balance is obtained by comparing the resistance from -output to -input, and -output to +input. The difference between both values should be ≤ 1Ω.
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Changes in bridge resistance or bridge balance are most often caused by a broken or burned wire, an electrical component failure or internal short circuit. This might result from over-voltage ( lightning or welding ), physical damage from shock, vibration or fatigue or excessive temperature.
The load cell should be connected to a stable power supply, preferably a load cell indicator with an excitation voltage of at least 10 volts. Disconnect all other load cells for multiple load cell systems.
With a voltmeter connected to the output leads, lightly rap on the load cell with a small mallet to mildly shock it. Exercise extreme care not to overload low capacity load cells while testing their shock resistance.
Watch the readings during the test. The readings should not become erratic, should remain reasonably stable and return to original zero readings.
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Erratic readings may indicate a failed electrical connection or a damaged glue layer between strain gauge and element as a result of an electrical transient.