One theme that emerged throughout the development of this volume was
the strength of interdisciplinary analyses. Over the history of stock identification,
new methods were developed and promoted as better ways to approach
stock identification, often leading to equivocal information from competing
methodological camps. However, when results from each approach are
viewed in the context of what precise aspect of stock structure they reveal
(defined in this volume), a more holistic view with multiple perspectives is
possible, providing more reliable information for resource management.As new methods continue to emerge, their results should be considered along
with those from traditional approaches to improve our ability to study stock
One theme that emerged throughout the development of this volume wasthe strength of interdisciplinary analyses. Over the history of stock identification,new methods were developed and promoted as better ways to approachstock identification, often leading to equivocal information from competingmethodological camps. However, when results from each approach areviewed in the context of what precise aspect of stock structure they reveal(defined in this volume), a more holistic view with multiple perspectives ispossible, providing more reliable information for resource management.As new methods continue to emerge, their results should be considered alongwith those from traditional approaches to improve our ability to study stockstructure.
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