the following are commonly used computer measurement terms
bit-the smallest unit of data in a computer. A bit equals 1 or 0, and it is the binary format in which data is processed,stored,and transmitted by computers.
byte-A unit of measure used to describe the size of a data file, the amount of space on a disk or another storage medium, or the amount of data being sent over a network. 1 byte cquals 8 bits of data.
kb (kilobit)-Approximately 1000 bits.
KB (kilobyte)-Approximately 1000 bytes (1024 bytes exactly).
Mb(megabit)-Approximately 1 million bits.
MB(megabyte)-Approximately 1 million bytes (1,048,576 bytes exactly).
A megabyte is sometimes called a "meg." the amount of ram in most PCs is typically measured in MB. Large files are often some number of MB in size.
GB(gigabyte)-Approximately 1 billion bytes, A gigabyts is sometimes called a "gig." Hard drive cap