Our Management Philosophy
The corporate philosophy of COSCO Pacific is the continued pursuit of higher standards of integrity, transparency and professionalism whatever may be the current economic and market conditions. While being committed to maximising shareholders’ value and improving corporate profitability, the Company is also determined to ensure the highest standards of corporate governance. In maintaining a high level of transparency and accountability to the shareholders, the Board believes that good corporate governance should benefit our stakeholders.
The Company espouses the core principles of corporate governance, which are based on the checks and balances system, and seeks to maximise shareholders’ investment returns through balancing the interests of our shareholders.
Board Committees
To assist the Board in execution of its duties and to facilitate effective management, certain functions of the Board have been delegated by the Board to various board committees, which review and make recommendations to the Board on specific areas: Executive Committee, Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee, Investment and Strategic Planning Committee, Corporate Governance Committee, and Risk Management Committee.