1. Self-introduction (5%)
Introduces yourself with the following personal information: your full name, student code, nickname, age, date of birth, your major of study and faculty. You may add some extra information about yourself.
2. Short Talk (10%)
Talk 1 -2 minutes by using your personal experience and opinion. Try your best to make your presentation interesting. Select ONLY ONE following topic.
A. What is your personality? When you meet someone you don’t know, do you prefer to talk or to listen? Why?
B. Do you like going shopping? When you go shopping, where do you usually go? What do you like to buy? Why?
C. How often do you eat out? What kind of restaurants do you like to go? What kind of your favorite food? Why?
D. Are you a healthy person? When was the last time you were ill? What kind of health problem did you have? What do you do to keep healthy?
Task1. Self-introduction (5%)Introduces yourself with the following personal information: your full name, student code, nickname, age, date of birth, your major of study and faculty. You may add some extra information about yourself.2. Short Talk (10%)Talk 1 -2 minutes by using your personal experience and opinion. Try your best to make your presentation interesting. Select ONLY ONE following topic.A. What is your personality? When you meet someone you don’t know, do you prefer to talk or to listen? Why?B. Do you like going shopping? When you go shopping, where do you usually go? What do you like to buy? Why?C. How often do you eat out? What kind of restaurants do you like to go? What kind of your favorite food? Why?D. Are you a healthy person? When was the last time you were ill? What kind of health problem did you have? What do you do to keep healthy?
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