The autumn rain that lightly drainings falls in the basin surface of small garden light, brings the faint trace ripples
Two gigantic Japanese bananas drag with the wind gently, that broad leaf surface has covered originally the dim ray, lets on the floor of fuzzy shadow rubbing in landing glass door
In the morning, in the Rose bedroom appears chilly and quiet, has the bedside lamp of plain chart article decoration not to close all night, because is the cloudy day, this moment that group of lights appear Huang the dizzy especially bright eyes
Yang Chen Yang Tang who has changed the upper body blue white loose flax night clothes on bed, is shutting both eyes, sends out weakly, but even breath, but the thick pitch-black brow is actually light locked
The coffee color just likes the liquid chocolate bed sheet fold cannot withstand, seems tells others, the man who last night on the bed fell asleep, has made the how fierce movement
At this time, the door lightly was shoved open, is carrying Rose of millet gruel and dish garlic in syrup has traded the cream silk nature to rest the skirt, on beautiful face full is the gloomy mood with worrying, the lotus steps moved to arrive at the Yang Chen bedside to put down the gruel vegetable lightly, bent down to give Yang Chen to draw the thin quilt
Sits in the sides of the bed, complex the man who the Rose look looks at the sound sleep, her whole evening has not rested, brings Yang Chen was going to the hospital first, after checkoff, to ask the personal doctor to come here to give Yang Chen treatment and other Yang Chen to be steady the determination anything danger, Rose has not processed the matters concerned after banquet
Quick after has made a series of influence west district astonishingly in the future the important decision of underground pattern, Rose in a hurry returns to the room, looks after Yang Chen to this morning personally
This man has taken to her thorough shock once again, but, made her have one time to feel the gap of barrier
Rose does not like this feeling, she has too many questions, but must wait for Yang Chen to wake
In Rose is pondering some numerous and diverse pictures, Yang Chen awake song that closed one's eyes opens both eyes, long shouted the tone
Rose catches this to flicker keenly, immediately surges a pleasant surprise, makes an effort to grab a hand of Yang Chen, „did husband, you awake?”
„Now several : 00?” Yang Chen smiled lightly, throws one look that makes Rose feel relieved
„Also early, can seven points, again rest a while?” Rose looks at the Yang Chen pale complexion, heart acid, but represses laughter saying: „You may scare me, suddenly so is strange, my whole evening has not rested”
The Yang Chen double arm rest under the surface of bed, oneself sat to set out, gathered the Rose cheeks place to kiss the mouth, „I have been all right, I fainted actually after last night, what had?”
Rose sees the meaning that Yang Chen have not explained that also has not asked very much cleverly, reorganized under said: „I led you to go to the hospital yesterday, after inspecting simply , the doctor did not say that anything specially, is only you specially is probably stimulated, the heartbeat is also quite quick, after you have hit the sedative, you are peaceful many afterward I to lead you to return to here, invited my personal doctor to prescribe the calming the nerves medicine to you, you have rested now”
„Yes I do not remember”, Yang Chen smiles bitterly is touching the forehead, in fact he remembers only a matter, is in the brain explodes the general fierce ache
Thought the training one year, the half year leisurely and carefree day, oneself have had no recourse real, kills dozens individuals, will not be hard-to-control like the past, but has not thought that own that old problem still few minutes change for the better
Fortunately continually promotes along with oneself that strange skill boundary, can restrain reluctantly that terrifying wild mood, had afterward called Rose to knock down own that otherwise
Yang Chen fear, it seems like oneself have pulled rank, later must pay attention by oneself as before maintains relaxation of nerve, relaxes the mentality, cannot the transition be tired, otherwise cannot constrain own mood, cannot control accidentally promptly, cast the blunder to be also hard to recall