The dietary inclusion of M. oleifera leaf meal at levels
ranging between 1 and 25g per kg of feed in the starter,
grower and finisher diets;did not alter the nutrient composition of the diets.Growth performance,digestibil-
ity and yield results in dicate that supplementation of M.oleifera leaf meal meal significantly improved feed utilization
efficiency and tissue accretion in broiler chicken sused in this study.Furthermore it may be speculated that the
cause for mortality was noto dueto M. oleifera leaf meal supplementation, since sudden death was observed across
all treatment,al though during different production peri-ods. Future digestibility studies,at inclusion levels higher
than 2.5% are recommended to determine nutrient flow
and retention directly from digestive sites until excretion
at various growth stages.This would help elucidate the
maximum inclusion level and the mode of action of
various bioactive compounds in M. oleifera leaves on
broiler chicken performance