Functional properties of yam bean (Pachyrhizus erosus) starch
The study was carried out in order to determine and establish the functional characters of starch extracted from yam bean
(Pachyrhizus erosus (L) Urban) compared with cassava starch. Yam bean is a tropical tuber legume easily grown and holds a great
potential as a new source of starch. Yam bean starch shows functional properties which are peculiar to those of most starch root
crops. Gelatinization temperature (53–63 C) and the pasting temperature (64.5 C) are less than those of cereal starch, however, the
swelling power is high (54.4 g gel/g dried starch). Yam bean starch paste presents a high viscosity profile, high retrogradation
tendency and low stability on cooking. The functional properties of yam bean starch, similar to those of cassava starch, allows yam
bean to be used as a potential new source of starch.
2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd