Data were entered into an SPSS (Version 15) table for
analysis, with a row for each of the 50 states plus the
District of Columbia, which for the purposes of analysis
was treated as a state. Rates were additionally categorized
as to whether each was higher or lower than the US rate to
create dichotomous variables for analysis. Because prior
studies highlighted ‘‘narrow’’ eligibility as being associated
with lower EI participation, we collapsed eligibility standards
into a dichotomous variable reflecting whether the
eligibility standards were ‘‘narrow’’ or ‘‘moderate/broad.’’
Region was used as a categorical variable.
Bivariate analyses were done relating the variables
reflecting risk factors for developmental delay and therefore
potential need for EI services to state and national EI
participation rates (percentages of age-eligible children
served) as the dependent variable. Variables were analyzed
as continuous for Pearson correlation and ANOVA