In the study entered a group of 55 patients aged 3 to 17 years of which 29 girls
(52.72%) and 26 boys (47.27%), diagnosed with asthma prior to inclusion in the program
are in treatment of asthma control, being compliance with the criteria for inclusion and
exclusion set. Patients were monitored from the beginning of the study for 12 months with
clinical and biological evaluation at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months after
enrollment and the whenever necessary. The study protocol was included in a computer
algorithm that aimed the following anamnestico clinical, laboratory , parclinical and
therapeutic aspects [20].
Were investigated epidemiological data, the number of exacerbations, respiratory
functional parameters were monitored (FEV and MEF25%, pulse oximetry), monitored
biological parameters (blood count, ESR, fibrinogen, blood eosinophilia and total serum
IgE necessary to determine personal atopy); Allergy skin testing method prick skin test
and specific IgE determination to aeroallergens and food allergens in allergic sensitization
to establish support; complementary imaging investigations chest X-ray type or previous
facial sinuses. Monitor the number of presentations to the family doctor or the emergency
department and the number of hospital admissions in asthma exacerbation.