We previously detected a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
(NCBI_ss1388116468) in the promoter region of the CDC10 gene
(Tong et al., 2012), and found no significant difference in the allele frequency
distribution for this SNP between 17 JB sires with extremely
high breeding values for marbling and 17 JB sires with extremely low
ones (Tong et al., 2012). However, we cannot exclude the possibility
that our previous preliminary study might not have enough power to
detect an association with marbling, because of a small number of samples
of JB cattle. Therefore, we herein analyzed the correlation of the
CDC10 expression levels in the LM with marbling and the association
between the NCBI_ss1388116468 SNP of the CDC10 gene and marbling,
by using a large number of samples of JB cattle.