Hey what's up everybody today I'm gonna show you guys how to do a very very simple cheese burger the inspiration behind this cheeseburger is a local awesome fast food restaurant here on the west coast is called in and out i believe they just have in california lot say it maybe a few other states that really know about but it is really really awesome fast food restaurant they make all their burgers that's like packed with lettuce, tomato and onion and it's just Special of meat tell vegetable is absolutely perfect.
Really they're gone crazy with how many ways you can eat a burger I mean you can have bon extra crispy or soft proteins now which is's wapped in lettuce as opposed to bind animals stye with grilled onion on there. it's like basically all the throw onions and hopefully with all that information. I'm gonna make my burger based off from on this fast food restaurant in and out and I get slightly resemble it but I can't have gonna make the burger patty it is a little bit thicker and I'm clearly pine and awesome so join me in making the sauce and cheeseburger.
For these quick pickles as like to call all we need thinly sliced cucumber in vinegar olive oil, salt, pepper and just let them sit friedge for about an hour before yet. For the pretty it's pretty straight forward only difference i have in mind that it is. i make sure that each step I'm tempering the meat with my hands that it doesn't develop any cracks as it cooks also i use a ring just to that really perfect passionate.
For these quick pickles as like to call all we need thinly sliced cucumber in vinegar olive oil, salt, pepper and just let them sit friedge for about an hour before yet. For the pretty it's pretty straight forward only difference i have in mind that it is. i make sure that each step I'm tempering the meat with my hands that it doesn't develop any cracks as it cooks also i use a ring just to that really perfect passionate.
Froming your panties generously seasoned ,salt, pepper get a hot pan with canola oil live in a fighter and it start hearing occupies so packed with the cooking with the process destroys chopped onions just the cam lies in lab later on in protease on your burger. These burger have been cooking for about seven minutes now. I'm just gonna talking with cheese and throw into 350 degree Oven for about 4 minutes or just until the cheese melt .one thing you probably noticed that I'm using the hands to cook my burgers onions and toast my bread just because you can melt all toast flavors together.
I want this by nice and toasty this spread mixture is equal part many mustard ketchup pickle and onion and animal top that with my two burger patties my camera is onion and then i have all fixings on the side switches butter lettuce ,sliced tomatoes and pickle that I made it easier burger ready on the plate now all I need is someone to taste it one who that's gonna be.