When a work order is completed on the shop floor, the items are typically sent to the stockroom.
• Use Work Order Receipt (16.11) to receive items, close the order, and backflush components of final assembly work orders.
• If you did not issue items previously, issue them when completed products are received with Work Order Receipt Backflush (16.12).
• Use Work Order Operation Backflush (16.19) to issue items, report labor, and receive completed items at an operation.
For receiving, the system first creates a work order receipt transaction (RCT-WO), followed by a work order consumption transaction (CONS-WO).
If you use the Shop Floor Control module, you can enter labor feedback and test results at receipt, and report individual operations as completed.
When a work order is received:
• Inventory increases by the amount of the receipt.
• The open order quantity decreases by the amount of the receipt.
• Any reject quantity is written off to the Scrap account and not placed in inventory.
If Auto Lot Numbers is Yes in Item Inventory Data Maintenance (1.4.5), the system automatically assigns the work order ID as the lot number for inventory received from a work order. This is true regardless of the value of Lot/Serial Control for the item.
Note: If you are using the Regulatory Attributes module, you can set up lot groups for assigning automatic numbers. If defined, lot groups are used rather than the work order ID. See QAD Master Data User Guide.
During receipt, you can set the work order status to Closed. Once closed, no further component issues or completions can be recorded against the order.
See Closing Work Orders.
The system captures the receipt and close date as well as the user ID of the person who received or closed the work order. This information automatically appears on two reports:
• Work Order Status Report (16.3.3)
• Work Order History Report (16.3.6)
Closing a work order does not clear the balance in WIP. This action is done by using Work Order Accounting Close (16.21).