ATOM (Analysis Tools with OM) is a single framework for building a
wide range of customized program analysis tools. It provides the common
infrastructure present in all code-instrumenting tools; this is the difficult and
time-consuming part. The user simply defines the tool-specific details in in-
strumentation and analysis routines. Building a basic block counting tool
like Pixie with ATOM requires only a page of code.
ATOM, using OM link-time technology, organizes the final executable
such that the application program and user’s analysis routines run in the
same address space. Information is directly passed from the application
program to the analysis routines through simple procedure calls instead of
inter-process communication or files on disk. ATOM takes care that analysis
routines do not interfere with the program’s execution, and precise infor-
mation about the program is presented to the analysis routines at all times.
ATOM uses no simulation or interpretation.
ATOM has been implemented on the Alpha AXP under OSF1. It is ef-
ficient and has been used to build a diverse set of tools for basic block count-
ing, profiling, dynamic memory recording, instruction and data cache
simulation, pipeline simulation, evaluating branch prediction, and instruc-
tion scheduling
ATOM (Analysis Tools with OM) is a single framework for building awide range of customized program analysis tools. It provides the commoninfrastructure present in all code-instrumenting tools; this is the difficult andtime-consuming part. The user simply defines the tool-specific details in in-strumentation and analysis routines. Building a basic block counting toollike Pixie with ATOM requires only a page of code.ATOM, using OM link-time technology, organizes the final executablesuch that the application program and user’s analysis routines run in thesame address space. Information is directly passed from the applicationprogram to the analysis routines through simple procedure calls instead ofinter-process communication or files on disk. ATOM takes care that analysisroutines do not interfere with the program’s execution, and precise infor-mation about the program is presented to the analysis routines at all times.ATOM uses no simulation or interpretation.ATOM has been implemented on the Alpha AXP under OSF1. It is ef-ficient and has been used to build a diverse set of tools for basic block count-ing, profiling, dynamic memory recording, instruction and data cachesimulation, pipeline simulation, evaluating branch prediction, and instruc-tion scheduling
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