On July 27th, 2011, Ms. Churairat Sangboonnum, the Deputy Permanent Secretary for
Education, presided over a signing ceremony of cooperation under the project of quality learning and teaching of the Chinese language in educational in stitutes located in Bangkok Metropolitan and networking schools, Thai - Chinese networking schools and, the Center for Chinese Language Development (Hanban), Beijing Normal University. This event took placeat Ratchavallop Meeting Room in the Ministry of Education.
The Deputy Permanent Secretary informed all in attendance that the government had delivered a policy on moving forward tothe ASEAN Communityin 2015 through human resource development inorder to provide access to quality education and lifelong learning as well as to develop innovation, research and development and ASEAN integration for all Thai citizens.
The provision of basic education is a crucial educational system in borderless communication. It must achieve educational standards in responseto the free trade areas both in ASEAN and in the WTO. In this regard, educational cooperation amongst neighboring countries is important, especially as China is developing educational standards which will stimulate internationalization and international standard schools. This will also facilitate collaboration in developing teachers, students and educational administrators and an information exchange. Thus, it was a great opportunity for Thai educational administrators and distinguished delegates from the Chinese government to strengthen their close cooperation in quality Chinese learning and teaching under the support of the Center for Chinese Language Development (Hanban), the Beijing Normal University that reflects the valued friendship which exists between both