IntroductionBeta-amylases are enzymes that attack the alpha-1,4-glucanbonds from the non-reducing ends of starch, and convert itand other carbohydrate polymers to maltose units. Maltose, atwo glucose disaccharide, has many applications in food andpharmaceutical industries [1–4]. Amylases are widely present inmicroorganisms, plants and animals, and have found applicationsin numerous industries, mainly starch liquefaction [5–7]. Maltose,produced via beta-amylolysis, confers to cooked roots the sweet-ness characteristic of the traditional sweet potato [8]. Althoughstarch liquefaction can be accomplished via chemical processes,enzymatic hydrolysis can be performed under mild conditions, andcould avoid the extreme conditions required by the chemical treat-ments. Furthermore, the enzymatic process did not produce waterpollution, which is very common in chemical processes