Furfural is the key derivative of xylose with a broad spectrum of industrial applications in plastic, pharmaceuticals, and agrochemical products such as fungicide, adhesives, flavor compound, and precursor for other products. Furfural is been produced commercially from the hemicellulosic fraction of biomass and it has been considered as one of promising commodity bio-based chemicals. The world production of furfural has increased in the last few years due to green chemical initiatives in various industries, being actually around 430,000 t per year. Furfural price is around of 1.0–1.7 USD/kg. Sugarcane bagasse is one of the best feedstock for furfural production because of its high xylans content. Unlike the conventional furfural production, in which the biomass is hydrolyzed to extract the pentoses, that are dehydrated to furfural in a single stage process, biorefinery approach is to convert hemicelluloses, cellulose, and lignin, in added value products.