The knowledge of phase equilibria, solubilities and diffusion processes in chemical and biotechnological systems is one of the core requirements for an efficient industrial process development.
In engineering practice, the experimental data basis is often limited due to the high effort and high costs for the respective experiments. Moreover, the measurements are complex and difficult to perform when it comes to hazardous or highly-volatile components. In those cases, thermodynamic modeling can help to estimate or even predict the properties of interest.
Therefore, the Laboratory of Thermodynamics is working in both fields, measurement and modeling of phase equilibria and transport properties. It is the aim of this group to apply thermodynamics to provide a powerful and robust description of experimental data which might also be applied as predictive tool in cases where no experimental data are available.
The PC-SAFT equation of state, developed by Gross and Sadowski, has been shown to be successfully applicable to chemical and biological systems, even for highly non-ideal components and mixtures. Further development of PC-SAFT enables to model multi-component phase behavior of e.g. apolar, multipolar, associating, and charged components as well as mixtures thereof with high accuracy.