The poor often have larger family size than average, and relatively large number of family members often have to be looked after by the head of the household.
The head of this poor household normally has low education. The majority of these poor heads has only four years of education.
They are also found to be mainly in the agricultural sector, working and living in villages. Many of these poor heads do not own land or have access
to the use of land and work as wage laborers.
The number of older heads of poor households has increased in recent years.
It is often discovered that there are chronic illness and disability among
members in the poor households.
The poor often stay in one place, unlikely to move or migrate to other places.
Different regions exhibit different characteristics and incidence of poverty.
The Northeastern region is always the poorest region overall, followed by the North and the South. The Central region and Bangkok and vicinity are
the better-off regions where the incidence of poverty is the lowest.