Among the 22 species of Gracilaria seaweeds found in Malaysia, G. changii has been proven for its potential in mariculture ( Lim and Phang, 2004 and Phang et al., 1996). This species can be found abundantly in tropical rainforest countries such as Malaysia and Thailand ( Sasidharan et al., 2008). G. changii is reported to produce high quality of agar and therefore highly demanded for industrial agar production ( Chan et al., 2004). In the present study, several exogenous parameters were investigated to enhance the growth rate of micropropagated G.changii, viz. the strength of PES media, types and concentrations of fertilizers/biostimulant, concentration of plant growth regulators and salinity. In addition, the protein profiles of tissue-cultured and farm cultivated G. changii were produced and compared to examine the effects of different culture environments on their protein expression. The generated results can further be used to enhance the production of G. changii seedlings for commercial farming.