Hello, Da.
I have deadline of my project, so since September I work without weekends :(
Also I try to teach for driving license. So sometime I think why day have only 24 hours, not 30 hours :)
I read information about Mother's day in other countries too. USSR government just combined both holidays Women's Day and MOther's day. It is same like in Father's day. We celebrate it on 23th Feb, it is day called Defender of Fatherland.
By the way, What's traditions in Thai Father's day?
Also I wanted to ask you about bicycle. As you can see I prefer cross-country by MTB (mountain bike). I'm afraid to ride on highway and city, because of bad behaviour our car drivers and exhaust. I think in Thailand it is more dangerous, I saw how people drive on your roads, it is chaos))
First day in your country I tried to use pedestrian crossing and noone car-driver stopped ))
As you see - I prefer fields, forests. But our forest are coniferous, your forests are jungle. Do your region have forest trails which are suitable for cross-country cycling?
By the way. HOw are you? What's new? How is your rainy season? Rain every day, isn't?