Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success 2013–2017 is our strategy to rapidly change how the education system performs so that all Māori students gain the skills, qualifications and knowledge they need to enjoy and achieve education success as Māori.
Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success 2013–2017 is an updated strategy, not a brand new one. Its predecessor, Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success 2008–2012, set the direction for improving how the education system performs for Māori students.
Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success 2013–2017 builds on the changes and success we have seen through Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success 2008–2012. This renewed strategy celebrates success and accelerates the pace for more of it.
Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success 2013–2017 calls for focus and action from everyone who plays a role in education – students, parents, iwi, whānau, education leaders and professionals, businesses, government agencies, the Ministry of Education and other education sector agencies. It’s in every New Zealander’s interest to back strong educational outcomes for all our students as an investment in New Zealand’s future.