3.3. Raman spectra
To correlate the changes in Raman spectra of all samples, each spectrum was normalized to the total scattering intensity. To analyse the changes due the deposition parameters, the “true” line shape of the spectra must be found. To recover this line shape, the position and the widths of the scattered bands, a least squares best fit with five Lorentzian profiles was performed. In order to compare the evolution of structural modifications in ZrOxNy samples, the spectra of ZrN and ZrO2, deposited in the same chamber, are depicted in Fig. 2a and b, respectively. In zirconium nitride, first order Raman scattering is forbidden as a consequence of selection rules. However due to disorder, induced by the deposition technique, the translation symmetry is lost, and thus all the modes can participate in the scattering. Raman spectra will be an “image” of the density of vibrational