Medieval legal history Thailand from Ayutthaya to early Rattanakosin period. Ayutthaya law looks at the religion, The law is the same thing as religion. Ayutthaya is a absolute monarchy regime. The role of the ruler of the land based on the belief in the doctrine Thewarat. Derive from Cambodia, which has been influenced by Hinduism.
I don’t like the punishment of Ayutthaya because of the horrible horrible punishment. A sadist and very savage. In those days, the people were afraid to make mistakes. In the Ayutthaya period, There is no penalty of imprisonment. But There are severe penalties to seal the death penalty, the war God AI TEM krabot.
How will highlight the torture death of a shocker to hear. Whether pouring boiling oil head until dead. A knife and an ax cut through the entrails of the chest is dead. A large hook on a loose meat gradual death took a sharp knife slice the meat off the skin gradually die out gradually spear pierced to death and then burned or buried half the upper tortured until death. Which suffer a penalty in those days.It is judged by a different away. For example, if one burnt house It is being executed by a cloth wrapped around them and set fire to the oil well. Like me, etc. And the importance of the death penalty in all its forms, it will be done in the presence of blatant many locals. To make people afraid and have a mouth stuffed with ripe coconuts in the event of improper use by the royal word.
Currently, the law of Thailand has canceled a brutal punishment. Cruelty and killing a lack of ethics. This barbaric punishment that makes Westerners nest Greer and makes the point that in the law in that era no progress.