Single Point Attack Arts
The Dark Spear tore sharply through the air and rushed in a straight line, piercing the Bone Dragon’s wing.
Howled the Bone Dragon greatly. It screamed painful groans.
"Only just the beginning."
Weed on the other hand just smiled. Before killing the Bone Dragon, he enjoyed watching it writhe in pain.
His happiness is relative to its suffering!
Normally, he would have undoubtedly given away a rotten smile, but now that he was a skeleton, he was free to cruelly laugh. Thus, he laughed, significantly spreading his tempromandibular apart. (jaw joint)
More bastardly than anyone else.
Weed suddenly burst into laughter.
He took out a large number of red potions from his backpack.
Rapid recovery potions.
They were refreshments that rapidly healed injuries. Indispensable as one could not buy them.
“Elder brothers, try to gather over here!”
55 Geomchis were still alive. With life surpassing that of cockroaches, they survived the battle with the monsters.
“What’s the matter?”
“What’s going on?”
The Geomchis hanged around at the gathering place.
“If you’re in danger, drink it.”
Weed gave each of them 9 red potions, not forgetting to add a few words.
“What a lovely aroma.”
The Geomchis cheered.
To them, such things were considered the same as tasty delicacies!
Geomchi 39 opened the cap of a potion.
“Oh, this soft scent.”
The potion of life was refreshing and simple.
Made out of troll’s blood, the potion was undeniably a great drink.
The Geomchis viewed this as eating a delicacy.
Geomchi 39 had no immediate need for it, so when he was about to drink the potion, Weed said something insinuating.
“Geomchi 16 was such a glorious warrior elder brother.”
“Uh, what do you mean?”
Geomchi 39 was quite surprised, his eyes narrowing. The dead man was intolerable due to deliberately escaping danger.
“Well... the fact is, it worked out with a woman he liked in the expedition, elder brother.”
“What went through the woman’s mind that made her like dead senior?”
“He fought to keep the monsters away from her and died bravely, so the woman registered him as a friend.”
Register friends!
Geomchi 39's eyes sparkled and thousands of photos came into view. The Geomchis that had gathered around to get potions also stumbled.
“Disgrace to register friends......”
“You fucking with me?”
“Until now, I thought us men only had the ability to register friends with each other.”
Geomchi 39 dubiously asked.
“Are you saying he really registered a woman as a friend using that method?”
“Yeah, definitely.”
“You saw it with your own eyes, not in a dream, right? It’s not some story based on ridiculous rumors you heard?”
“I heard the report directly from him. Women like strong men. Fight the Bone Dragon while looking awesome, even if you fail, you demonstrate your courage so their minds will certainly have positive thoughts.”
Geomchi 39 grabbed his weapon.
“Yes, elder brother?”
“Good information, thanks for the heads up. Euaaa! This old bachelor owes you his honor.”
Geomchi 39 ran toward the Bone Dragon with all his power. No matter how strong the Bone Dragon was, it was not as frightening as washing dishes all alone!
Lonely Geomchi 39 howled. The other Geomchis that subsequently followed rushed fiercely as well.
“Kill that thing!”
“Must die as beautifully and elegantly as possible!”
‘They did not have the mind to back off anyway.’
More than anyone, the Geomchis enjoyed combat, there’
So far, the expedition was quietly taking a rest when a change occurred in the army of wizards and priests.
“All the mana I collect here … let this bright light burn straight towards the enemy and be a strike of fury. Mana Burn!”
Wizard’s Mana Burn attack!
The Bone Dragon flying low in the sky crashed to the ground once again by the Mana Burn attack.
Priests also joined forces.
“Ionizing powers. Please grant me the power to make things right and defeat the monster. Grant thy servant the strength to reclaim the luminosity. I fear neither the sacrifice nor the counsel against me.”
The ultimate divine magic was available only to priests that had completed their second advancement.
Noble Sacrifice!
It was a technique that sacrificed all health and mana in order to attack the enemy.
The damage was more than wizard’s Mana Burn, but priests could not endure casting it.
They lost their lives after a single use.
Even after the death of the priests, parties of the expedition still continued to fight hard.
Truly a last resort!
“Kyaoo! Cowardly humans! Stake your pride in this battle and fight honorably!"
The Bone Dragon’s body blazed. From the inside of its body, hot flames rose and bloomed thanks to the priests’ Noble Sacrifice.
The Bone Dragon on the ground struggled with the pain from the strike.
Unfortunately, the sacrifice of the priests exerted deadly havoc upon undead and vampires.
“Disgusting hot lights shining. They have robbed the power of us nobility of the night.”
Noble Sacrifice also adversely affected Tori.
Tori and the Vampires that fought by turning into bats until now were turned to ashes by the priests’ Noble Sacrifice.
The death was not complete, but they received a strong blow and were reverse summoned!
However, there was now an opportunity.
The Geomchis and Dark Gamers caused a rampage with the Bone Dragon by brandishing their swords and weapons at it.
Kill the Bone Dragon!
But the Bone Dragon did not succumb.
"Stupid humans! Learn what it means to anger me!"
It brandished its whip like tail meters in length to attack the humans.
Icebolts fell like rain from the sky. The Geomchis, Dark Gamers and Seoyoon also met with the Icebolts.
The Bone Dragon sustained damage from the magic at the expense of the whole region.
Narrow Icebolts went beautifully down at random.
"Help me!"
The Wizards, Elementalists and priests that lost their powers were the first to die.
Across the Valley of Death, there was no place to avoid the falling Icebolts.
You could only absorb it with your body!
"Sacred doom spear descend. Spear born from the darkness, penetrate the enemy's heart. Appear, Dark Spear!"
As soon as Weed recovered his mana, he summoned the Dark Spear again and then silently approached the Bone Dragon.
‘It’s better to be up close to that enormous body.’
Weed violently pierced the Bone Dragon with the spear.
No need for special attacks.
The gigantic figure lying on the ground was assaulted by many attacks.
Moving at spectacular speeds, the Geomchis arrived, but were met with resistance magic at that moment, rendering them unable to slash the Bone Dragon.
Rather than level or skill, it was instinctive behavior.
They combined their movements and slashed the Bone Dragon.
“Kill it!”
“We can win this way.”
Thanks to the sacrifice of the wizards and priests, the Bone Dragon’s huge body was trapped on the ground, allowing it to be attacked.
Nevertheless, the enormous Bone Dragon still had over 20% health remaining.
Suddenly, the Bone Dragon’s eyes shone with brilliance. It opened its mouth and took a deep breath.
“Everybody out of here!”
Weed, the Geomchis and Dark Gamers wielded their weapons and stood back as everything burned.
The Bone Dragon’s strongest attack skill, the breath bursting from its mouth was a sign to escape.
“How many times can it use its breath?”
Deep down in his core, Weed’s first priority was avoiding.
The Bone Dragon got its head off the ground, readied its incomplete breath and fired.
Breath was fired toward the ground!
The land of ice below melted.
Using the recoil from its breath, it rose into the air and soared. Once in the air, breath began flooding everywhere. It was extremely weaker than the first breath. Nevertheless, there was more than enough power left.
Up until now, the Geomchis and Dark Gamers had just barely dodged, now they were melting away.
The Geomchis as a last resort invigorated their energy by drinking the potions, but the potion essentially just granted a brief moment of stimulated health recovery rate.
The amount recovered by the potion could not compare to the health lost by the attack.
After the strong attack, the Geomchis were bound to weakened and could not cope with the life lost to the breath.
The Dark Gamers and Geomchis were the last remaining warriors responsible for direct combat.
First and foremost, Weed and Seoyoon noticed that there were only a few surviving Paladins that could heal themselves, so they quickly fled.
However, suspended in the air, the floating Bone Dragon appeared to have remaining reserve power.
"I will destroy everything! Demon Spear!"
A huge spear appeared in front of the Bone Dragon. (oh the irony)
However, compared to the Dark Spear Weed created, it was a higher level Black Magic!
The high ranked magic attack required at least the 3rd advancement in a Black Magic job.
It was very likely that due to the Bone Dragon using its breath up till now and virtually depleting its mana, it was now forced to use its best skill.
Weed did not forget to aim at the gap between the Bone Dragon’s wings and ribs.
The distance was enough to strike the idle monster.
The Demon Spear released a ferocious sound as it flew toward Weed.
A storm was left in the wake of the massive black spear.
Using its power of control, the Bone Dragon did not miss its target.
Weed stepped back and ran.
“Death Knight! Undead in front, block it!”
With few undead remaining, the crowd was useless.
They somehow managed to offset the power of the Demon Spear in an effort to survive, but the Demon Spear still pierced right through the bodies of the undead!
It appeared highly unlikely that the Death Knight and undead had enough defen