every day We on step closer to heating up the planet beyond repair
With more than $9 billion people on our planet in 2015 is likely there will be wars over water
And other scarce resources
A few decades ago our parents wanted the world to come together as one
Inspired by their stars they would buy the we are the world record and donate money for individual costs like hunger
In took fifteen years and the Chernobyl nuclear disaster and the war in Kosovo for parents to realize
That to change the world we need a shared vision
A framework for action and clearly defined goals and targets
So in 2000 the united nations
Launched the set have a clearly defined goals each of these Millennium Development Goals
Came with ambitious targets to reach before 2050
Most of us were born around the same time as world leaders
Adopted the school’s so what happened while we grew up
The good news
Is that for the calls have been reached in 2010
$700 Million fewer people lived in extreme poverty then in nineteen ninety
Ninety percent all girls and boys were enrolled in primary school education
the bad news is that 1.2 billion people are still trapped in poverty the financial crisis
has left millions unemployed our planet is gradually getting warmer
the clock is ticking
ขาด 3.42-4.30
sustainable development test to get a concern for the environment
with the social and economic challenges faced basement theme
……ขาดนาทีที่ 4.40-4.53
the united nations established an open working group in January 2013
to prepare job set up goals they also asked a group of 26 political and
business leaders to share their ideas
the knowing that government cannot realize sustainable development along
united nations also consulted workers farmers
teachers and many others
more than five million young woman men responded to a survey in which the united nations
ask them what will make the greatest difference in their lives
guess what most people mentioned
a good education earlier this year
the open working group but all of these ideas together and propose 17 sustainable goals
that’s a lotta goes to keep track of but the first seven goals basically a tweaked version above the old Development Goals
that will expire in 2015
we need to get involved in the schools
these goals are the best shot we’ve got
at ensuring that the world we will live in when we become adults
will be safer greener and more equal
if we don’t help keep them alive who else will
consider for a moment how you can use your knowledge
energy education and passions to make the world a better place
by the time you turn thirty-something theme while you might fear
that one voice won’t make a difference your voice counts
tell your family classmates anyone and everyone about the school’s and how we must come together to achieve
tell your parents not to vote for politicians
who don’t take sustainable development seriously and when we get to vote
in a few years time let’s fall for those who care about her
track and our future the sustainable development goals
are our goals they’re not just our parents schools
or our government’s order united nations
the Sustainable Development goals are our generation’s chance to shape the world we want