4. Conclusion
The low incidence of patulin levels in Italian products is a clear
parameter to assess the quality of the fruit and their derived
products. However, constant surveillance of the occurrence of this
toxin in baby foods is recommended because the available data is
limited and the incidence and level of this toxin could change according
to factors like: climate conditions, pH, type and stage of
fruit and vegetable maturation (Drusch & Ragab, 2003), and technological
treatments (Kadakal & Nas, 2003).
4. ConclusionThe low incidence of patulin levels in Italian products is a clearparameter to assess the quality of the fruit and their derivedproducts. However, constant surveillance of the occurrence of thistoxin in baby foods is recommended because the available data islimited and the incidence and level of this toxin could change accordingto factors like: climate conditions, pH, type and stage offruit and vegetable maturation (Drusch & Ragab, 2003), and technologicaltreatments (Kadakal & Nas, 2003).
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